Word Lists

kedit bird
acong dog
teloq egg
keletèk wing
begang rat
élòng tail
gutu louse
berangkak mosquito
Natural objects and phenomenon
pèmpang branch
gèdèng leaf
akah root
kembang flower
buaq fruit
rebu grass
gumi earth
gerès sand
aiq water
segare sea
jelo sun
ujan rain
guntur thunder
tekèr lightning
pendet smoke
kenjelo day
remis dirty
mònés clean
kòngòl dull
kodéq small
beléq big
kontéq short
béló long
bideng black
putéq white
béaq red
sòlah good
lengé bad
Verbs of the body
inem to drink
betijòh to spit
kaken to eat
kelòr to eat (high register)
angèt to chew
berembòk to breathe
Family terms
manusie person/human being
mame man/male
nine woman/female
anak child (kinship)
kanak general child
semame husband
senine wife
inaq mother
amaq father
aran name
Verbs of action or work
lampaq to walk
ngònòng to swim
taóq to know
mòngkak to cook
tòkòl to sit
nganjeng to stand
tegel to hold
kedok to dig
bukaq to open
saut to throw
Everyday objects
ruròng road/path
balé house
Body Parts
ime hand
naé leg/foot
bungkak back
tian belly
tòlang bone
badok intestines
toak shoulder
daraq blood
otak head
belong neck
idong nose
biwèh mouth
élaq tongue
mate eye
penengteng eye (high register)
kentòk ear

Language Documentation Training Center