Poems in Sasak:
- Solah
- good
- menèng
- clear
- jari
- to-be
- aiq
- water
the water is so clear
- te-cèmplung
- (Pass)-dip
- pedas
- clear
- ruèn
- look
- tasiq
- nylon
If we dip the nylon in it, we can see it clearly
- Sai
- Who
- aran
- name
- kamu
- you
- ariq
- girl
- .
- (politeness)
What is your name girl?
- Mélé
- Want
- gati
- really
- ku-tènyaq
- 1SG-ask
- merariq
- marry
I really want to marry you |
- Tepòng
- hole
- tèmbòk
- wall
- isiq
- by
- paku
- spike
the spike makes the hole on the wall
- pas
- exactly
- gati
- really
- papah
- right-on
- bucu
- corner
exactly right on the corner
- mule
- indeed
- nasib
- faith
- jari
- to-be
- aku
- me
it is indeed my faith
- endéq
- araq
- exist
- kèpèng
- money
- èngkah
- stop
- laku
- sold-out
No money, no one loves me |
- Belabur
- Big.stream
- aiq
- water
- segare
- sea
The seawater has a big wave
- Séré
- To.become.more
- beléq
- big
- lamun
- if
- mènah
- dawn
It’s getting bigger in the dawn
- Ape
- What
- gune
- usefulness
- solah
- beautiful
- jari
- to.become
- dedare
- girl
What is it for to be a girl |
- Mbe
- Where
- taóq
- place
- anak
- kid
- gagak
- crow
Where is the baby crow
- Ie
- 3SG
- nyebóq
- hide
- mudin
- behind
- lólóan
- tree
He’s hiding behind the tree
- Ape
- What
- gawéq
- do
- inaq
- mother
- kanak
- kid
What is your mother doing kid?
- Pasti
- Must
- nyengke-n
- be-PRO
- Fb-an
- Facebook-SUFFIX
She must be doing Facebook |
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