
Parts of the body

English Translation Notes
hand shou3
left zuo3
right you2
leg/foot tei3 “leg”
skin pi1
back pei2
belly/stomach du2 zi “belly”
bone gu1 tou
intestines chang1 zi
liver gan4
lungs fei2
breast hiong4
shoulder gian4 ber3
blood xie3
head tou
neck bo1 zi
hair (head/body) tou1 fa
nose bi1 zi
mouth zei3
tooth ya4
tongue xie2 tou
eye yan3
ear er1 ge

Family terms

English Translation Notes
person/human being  yin4
man / male nan1 yin4
woman / female nv3 yin4
child hai1 zi
husband han2 zi
wife lao3 po
mother ma4
father ba2
name ming’er4

Everyday objects

English Translation Notes
road / path  lu2
house fang1 zi
roof/thatch fang1 dian’er3
rope sheng1
needle zhen4
stick gun2


English Translation Notes
animal  dong1 wur2
dog gou3
bird nio3
egg dan2
feather yu3 mor4
wing chi2 ber
rat lao3 shu
meat/flesh you2
tail yi1 ba
snake xie1
worm/earth worm qeng1
louse shi3 zi
mosquito wen1 zi
spider ji4 ju4
fish yu4

Natural objects and phenomena

English Translation Notes
branch zhi4
leaf ye3
root ger4
flower hua4
fruit shui1 guor3
grass cao3
earth/soil tu3
stone xi2 tou
sand sha4
water shui3
sea hai3
salt yan5
woods/forest/jungle xu2 lin1 zi
sky tian4
sun yi1 tou
moon yuer1
star sing’er4
cloud yun4
rain yu3
thunder lei4
lightning shan3
wind feng4
fire huo3
smoke yan4
night wan3 shang1 her3
day bei2

Verbs of the body

English Translation Notes
to drink  ha3
to spit tu3
to eat qi3
to chew jo1
to breathe chuan3 ki’er2
to smell tin4
to laugh xiao2
to cry/to weep ku3
to vomit/to throw up ou3
to bite yao3
to hear tin4
to see kan2
to yawn da3 ha4 kian
to sleep shui2

Verbs of action

English Translation Notes
to walk  zou3
to swim you1 yong3
to know/to be knowledgeable dong3
to think xiang3
to fear pa2
to say xue3
to cook zuo1 fan2
to sit zuo2
to stand li3
to lie down tang3
to climb pa1
to tie up/to fasten zi2 ʂaŋ   This is IPA symbol
to sew feng1
to hunt da3 lie2
to shoot xie1 gi3
to stab/to pierce tong3
to hit da3
to kill sha3
to die/to be dead si3
to live/to be alive huo2
to scratch zhua4
to cut/to hack cie3
to work gan1 huor3
to plant zhong2
to choose sian3
to grow zhang3
to squeeze zi3
to hold zhua4
to dig wa3
to open kai4
to throw liao4


English Translation Notes
dirty  zang4
clean gan4 zi  This is IPA symbol
sharp  feng4 kuai3 de
dull deng2
warm nao3 huo
cold leng3
small siao3
big da2
short dan3
long chang1
thin bo2
thick hou2
narrow jie3
wide kuan1
black hei3
white bei3
red hon1
yellow huang1
green  lv3
old (object) gyou2
new sin4
good hao3
bad huai2
correct/true dei2

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