- bei2wo4
- quilt
- le
- inside
- qi3,
- eat,
- bei2wo4
- quilt
- le
- inside
- la4,
- excrete,
- bei2wo4
- quilt
- le
- inside
- fang2
- release
- pi2
- fart
- beng4
- explode
- bei2
- quilt
- hua4
- flower
Comment: This is a nursery rhyme parents would say to their kid if s/he keeps wetting the bed.
- xiao3
- little
- cai1
- vegetable
- ber3,
- board,
- lan2
- mess
- dao4
- knife
- duo2.
- chop,
- mei1
- you3
- have
- xi1fer
- wife
- mar1
- fa3
- way
- guor2,
- live,
- you3
- have
- le
- xi1fe
- wife
- cou2fe1
- make-do
- zhe
- guor2.
- live.
Comment: This is a nursery rhyme adults will say to tease a little boy. It also reflects people’s life in the past that a man usually was too poor to marry a woman.