1) noun phrase
- lia2
- two
- ya3ba4zi
- duck
- shi1-er1-ge
- ten-two-CL
- ya3ba4zi
- duck
comments: In Mandarin, there is always a classifier between a number and a noun, but in Weihai dialect, only for number 2 and 3, no classifier is needed.
2) Verb phrase
- liao4
- throw
- la4gi
- rubbish
3) Prepositional phrase
- zai5
- at
- dor2
- road
- shang
- on
4) Word order(transitive)
- lia2
- two
- ya3ba4zi
- duck
- zai2
- at
- nie1’er
- there
- qi3
- eat
- yu4
- fish
5) Yes/no questions
- ni3
- 2.SG
- shi4
- be
- mo4
- qi3
- eat
6) Content questions
- na1
- 2.PL
- zhong4
- noon
- wu
- eat
- qi3
- le
- what
- mor1