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Samawa Proverbs

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1 Bote bau balang

Monkey catches grasshopper

This proverb is usually given to address somebody who does a useless activity. Thisis because a monkey has never been success catching a grasshopper.
Ajar bote ntek puin

To teach a monkey climbing a tree

This proverb is also given to address somebody doing a useless job. This is because amonkey is already skillful in climbing a tree so that there’s no need to teach him to do that
Nonda jerukn masam setowe

There is no orange which half of it is sour and the other part is sweet

This is to explain the spiritual relations between two persons who have spiritual bond.If one of them feels sad, the other one must feels the same thing.
Tili sira no basa'

Trying to hide the fact that salt can be wet

This proverb is to explain about an attempt to hide the truth
Les uti tama rentek

Lizard out, crocodile in

This proverb is to explain a situation when somebody just freed from one difficulty butthen trapped in another difficulty.

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