Language Documentation Training Center
Linguistic Society of Hawaii
1890 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA


Me and Sunda language

Sunda language description

Word List

Poetry (pupuh)





Sim kuring jeung basa Sunda (Me and Sunda language)

SUNDA: Wilujeng, tepangkeun sim kuring teh Endri Martini, biasana dicaluk Endri.  Kuring aslina ti Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Kuring reseup pisan ningalian alam jeung budayana, oge reseup pisan motoan alam nu endah. Mangkana ayeuna kuring teh damel di bidang kehutanan jadi tukang tatangkalan. Ayeuna kuring keur nimba elmu di Departement of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ieu nembe 8 bulan kuring di Honolulu, Hawaii. Tilu bulan nu lalu, aya balad di program LDTC nu ngajakan miluan ngadokumentasikeun basa lokal kuring, nyaeta basa Sunda, ceunah mah keur ngalestarikeun basa. Mangkana kuring miluan ngagabung ka program LDTC ieu, soalna ngarasa pasti aya manfaatna, nyaeta nambah elmu kuring di bidang parbasaan, oge ayeuna jadi leuwih kaharti kunaon basa Sunda boga rarangka jiga nu ayeuna dipraktekeun. (add voice

INDONESIAN: Perkenalkan nama saya Endri Martini, biasanya dipanggil Endri.  Saya aslinya dari Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Saya suka jalan-jalan menikmati alam dan sosial kultur, juga suka memotret  alam yang indah. Mangkanya sekarang saya kerja di bidang kehutanan menjadi tukang pepohonan. Kini, saya sedang menimba ilmu di Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at University of Hawaii at Manoa.  Ini baru 8 bulan di Honolulu, Hawaii.  Tiga bulan yang lalu, ada teman di program LDTC yang mengajak bergabung mendokumentasikan bahasa lokal saya, yaitu bahasa Sunda, katanya dalam rangka melestarikan bahasa.  Oleh karena itu, saya ikut bergabung dengan program LDTC ini, karena pasti ada manfaatnya, yaitu menambah ilmu di bidang linguistik juga sekarang jadi lebih mengerti kenapa bahasa Sunda memiliki struktur seperti yang saat ini dipraktekkan. 

ENGLISH: Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Endri Martini, you can call me Endri. Originally, I am from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.  I love traveling to enjoy diverse natures and its cultures, also I love taking pictures of beautiful nature. Thus, I am currently working in the field of forestry as a botanist. Currently, I am studying at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at University of Hawaii at Manoa.  This is my 8th month in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Three months ago, a friend from LDTC program asked me to join the program to document my local language, i.e. Sunda language, with the purpose to help conserve local language. Thus, I joined the LDTC program, because I am sure I'll gain advantages, i.e. to enhance my knowledge in linguistic subject and now I understand a little bit more why Sunda language has the structure as it is now been practiced. (back)

contact email:

BASA SUNDA (Sunda Language)

Preferred name(s) of your language Sunda
Alternative names none
Language classification Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayo-Sumbawan, Sundanese, Sunda
Geographical areas where spoken Most places in Indonesia where there are Sundanese people, but it is more concentrated in West Java, Indonesia
Approximate number of monolingual speakers
Approximate number of fluent speakers ca. 27 million people or 15% of the Indonesian population
Other languages spoken in area/country Javanese, Indonesian
Official language(s) in your country Indonesian
Language(s) used at school as a child Indonesian
Language(s) used by teachers today Indonesian
Do the representatives of neighboring ethnic groups learn to speak your language It depends, other people will speak the Sunda language for social works activities.
If the answer to the above question is yes, please specify Javanese
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system? Yes
What type of orthography you use? Roman letter
one hiji
two dua
three tilu
four opat
five lima
six geneup
seven tujuh
eight dalapan
nine salapan
ten sapuluh

Brief Language Description

Historically, Sundanese script (su: Aksara Sunda) is a writing system which is currently used by some Sundanese people. It is built based on Old Sundanese script (su Aksara Sunda Kuna) which was used by ancient Sundanese between 14th and 18th centuries. Since Sundanese people has utilized many different scripts, there were several requirements considered in the standardization of Sundaneses script for modern usage: (a) a script that can record Sundanese language; (b) period of usage; (c) area of usage; (d) simplicity, easy to use; (e) shows Sundanese identity.

Sundanese has language taxonomy as below:

Proto-Canaanite alphabet

Sundanese (Basa Sunda, literally "language of Sunda") is the language of about 27 million people from the western third of Java or about 15% of the Indonesian population.  It appears to be most closely related to Madurese and Malay, and more distantly related to Javanese. It has several types, conventionally described according to the locations of the people:  BantenBogorPrianganCiamisKuningan, and CirebonPriangan, which cover the most area of Sundaland (Tatar Pasundan in Sundanese), is the main and most-spoken type of Sundanese language taught in elementary till junior-high schools (equivalent to ninth-year school grade) in West Java and Banten Province. Social strata (different age) differences differ the uses of words in the Sundanese language, for instance, younger people would use polite words that only used when they speak to elder people.



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