Me and Sunda language

Sunda language description

Word List

Orthography Poetry (pupuh)





Sundanese Phonology and Wordlist

Currently, Sundanese is written in the Latin script and its orthography is highly phonetic.  And now, there is another writing system which is being revived by the government called Pakuan Script or simply Sundanese Script.

There are five pure vowel sounds: a /ɑ/, é /ɛ/, i /i/, o /ɔ/, u /ʊ/, and two neutral vowels; e /ə/, and eu /ɤ/

Sundanese language has only 16 consonants, there are three consonants /f, v, z/ which exist in Sundanese as a result of borrowing words, but naturally they are not Sundanese consonants. Those  consonants that originally appear in Indonesian loanwords mostly transferred into native consonants: f → p, v → p, sy → s, sh → s, z -> j, and kh /x/ → h. 

The consonantal phonemes are transcribed with the letters p, b, t, d, k, g, c (pronounced /tʃ/), j, h, ng (/ŋ/, occurs initially), ny /ɳ/, m, n, s /s/, w, l, r (trilled or flapped), and y /j/

The phonemes /w, j/ as semi vowels, although as vowels, /w, j/ function as a glide sound between two different vowels, as in the words:


  English Sunda-Bogor International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
1 hand leungeun \lɤŋɤn\
2 left kenca \kεn+∫a\
3 right katuhu \katuhu\
4 leg/foot sampeyan \sampɛɔan\
5 skin kulit \kulIt\
6 back tonggong \toŋgoŋ\
7 belly/stomach beuteung \bɤtɤŋ\
8 bone tulang \tulaŋ\
9 intestines usus \usus\
10 liver hate \hatɛ\
11 lungs paru-paru \paru paru\
12 breast susu \susu\
13 shoulder taktak \taktak\
14 blood getih \gətih\
15 head sirah \sirah\
16 neck beuheung \bɤhɤŋ\
17 hair (head or body) buuk \buuk\
18 nose irung \iruŋ\
19 mouth baham \baham\
20 tooth huntu \huntu\
21 tongeu letah \lɛtah\
22 eye panon \panon\
23 ear ceuli \cɤli\
24 to drink nginum \ŋinum\
25 to spit nyiduh \nɔiduh\
26 to eat dahar \dahar\
27 to chew ngagayeum \ŋagajɤm\
28 to breathe napas \napas\
29 to smell ngambu \ŋambu\
30 to laugh seuri \sɤri\
31 to cry/to weep ceurik \cɤrik\
32 to vomit/to throw up utah \utah\
33 to bite ngegel \ŋegel\
34 to hear ngadenge \ŋadeŋe\
35 to see nenjo \nɛnjo\
36  to yawn heuay \hɤai\
37 to sleep sare \sare\
38 person/human being manusa \manusa\
39 man/male lalaki \lalaki\
40 woman/female awewe \awɛwɛ\
41 child budak \budak\
42 husband salaki \salaki\
43 wife pamajikan \pamajikan\
44 mother emak \ema\
45 father bapak \bapa\
46 name ngaran \ŋaran\
47 to walk leumpang \lɤmpaŋ\
48 to swim ngojay \ŋojai\
49 to know/to be knowledgable nyaho \ɔaho\
50 to think mikir \mikir\
51 to fear sieun \siɤn\
52 to cook masak \masak\
53 to sit diuk \diuk\
54 to stand nangtung \naŋtuŋ\
55 to lie down ngagoler \ŋagolɛr\
56 to climb naek \naɛk\
57 to say ngomong \ŋomoŋ\
58 to tie up/to fasten ngencengkeun \ŋencɛŋkɤn\
59 to sew ngajait \ŋajait\
60 to hunt ngaburu \ŋaburu\
61 to shoot nembak \nɛmbak\
62 to stab/to pierce nusuk \nusuk\
63 to hit ngagebuk \ŋagebuk\
64 to kill maehan \maɛhan\
65 to die/to be dead paeh \paɛh\
66 to live/to be alive hirup \hirup\
67 to scratch nyakar \ɔakar\
68 to cut/to hack motong \motoŋ\
69 to work gawe \gawɛ\
70 to plant melak \melak\
71 to choose milih \milih\
72 to grow numbuh \numbuh\
73 to squeeze meres \mɛrɛs\
74 to hold nyeukeul \ɔɤkɤl\
75 to dig ngagali \ŋagali\
76 to open buka \buka\
77 to throw ngalungkeun \ŋaluŋkɤn\
78 road/path jalan \jalan\
79 house imah \imah\
80 roof/thatch para \para\
81 rope tali \tali\
82 needle jarum \jarum\
83 stick iteuk \itɤk\
84 animal sato \sato\
85 bird manuk \manuk\
86 dog anjing \anɔiŋ\
87 egg endog \endog\
88 feather bulu \bulu\
89 wing sayap \sajap\
90 rat cecurut \cecurut\
91 meat/flesh daging \dagiŋ\
92 tail buntut \buntut\
93 snake oray \orai\
94 worm/earthworm cacing \caciŋ\
95 louse    
96 mosquito reungit \rɛŋit\
97 spider laba-laba \laba laba\
98 fish lauk \lauk\
99 branch dahan \dahan\
100 leaf daun \daun\
101 root akar \akar\
102 flower kembang \kembang\
103 fruit buah \buah\
104 grass rumput \rumput\
105 earth/soil taneuh \tanɤh\
106 stone batu \batu\
107 sand pasir \pasir\
108 water cai \cai\
109 sea laut \laut\
110 salt uyah \uiah\
111 woods/forest/jungle leuweung \lɤwɤŋ\
112 sky langit \laŋit\
113 moon bulan \bulan\
114 star bintang \bintaŋ\
115 cloud awan \awan\
116 sun panonpoe \panonpoɛ
117 rain ujan \ujan\
118 thunder gluduk \jluduk\
119 lightning gurilap \jurilap\
120 wind angin \aŋin\
121 fire api \api\
122 smoke aseup \asɤp\
123 night peuting \pɤtiŋ\
124 day poe \poɛ\
125 dirty kotor \kotor\
126 clean berseka \bersɛka\
127 sharp seukeut \sɤkɤt\
128 dull mintul \mintul\
129 warm haneut \hanɤt\
130 cold tiis \tiis\
131 small leutik \lɤtik\
132 big gede \jede\
133 short pondok \pondok\
134 long panjang \panɔaŋ\
135 thin ipis \ipis\
136 thick tebel \tebel\
137 narrow sempit \sɛmpit\
138 wide luas \luas\
139 black hideung \hidɤŋ\
140 white bodas \bodas\
141 red beureum \bɤrɤm\
142 yellow koneng \konɛŋ\
143 green hejo \hɛjo\
144 painful/sick nyeuri \ɤri\
145 old (object) kolot \kolot\
146 new anyar \aɔar\
147 good alus \alus\
148 bad goreng \gorɛŋ\
149 correct/true beneur \benɤr\