About me and my language community
Language Expert:
Name: Chayleng “Jimmy” Hok
Contact: nikewest77
I was invited to LDTC. I graduated from California State University at Chico majoring in civil engineering. I was born near Battambang, Cambodia and was raised in Phnom Penh till I was 13 years old. I moved to Redwood, California, where I could only really speak Khmer with my family.
Language Mentors:
Name: Sara Liddell
Contact: saral2
I am an undergraduate linguistics major at UH Manoa. This was my first experience working with Khmer. I loved learning about a language that is so different from my usual study (Korean). Thank you Jimmy and Griffin!
Name: Griffin Walker
Contact: gdwalker
I am also an undergraduate majoring in linguistics at UH Manoa. I’ve studied Khmer in the past and plan on incorporating it into my future research. I had a great time working with Jimmy and Sara this semester!