
Parts of the body

English Translation
hand su21
left zo21
right iu53
foot giog21
skin pi21
back boi53
belly/stomach du21
bone gud21
intestines cong21
liver gong33
lungs fi53
breast nen53
shoulder gian33
blood hiat21
head teu11
neck giang21 gin33
hair (head/body) mau33
nose pi53
mouth zoi53
tooth ci21
tongue sad53 ma11
eye ngian21 zu33
ear ngi53 gong33

Family terms

English Translation
person/human being ngin21
man / male nam11 e ngin 21
woman / female nn e11 ngin21
child se33 ngin21 e
husband lao21 gong33
wife lao33 po11
mother a ma21
father a ba33
name miang21

Everyday objects

English Translation
road / path lu53
house vu21 e
roof/thatch vu21 dang55
rope so21 e
needle zem55
stick guen55 e


English Translation
animal tong53 vu
dog giau21
bird diau21

Natural objects and phenomena

English Translation
tree su55 e
branch su55 pa
leaf su53 ia
wind feng33
fire fou21


English Translation
one id21
two ngi53
three saam55
four si53
five nn
six lio53
seven qi53
eight ba53
nine giu21
ten sep53
zero lam33

Verbs of the body

English Translation
to drink im21
to eat sep21

Verbs of action

English Translation
to walk hang21 lu53
to swim se21 sen35 ne
to think siong21


English Translation
dirty mei53
clean qiang53
sharp li53

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