Hakka (Crystal)

Name: Crystal
Preferred language name(s): Meixianhua
Alternative names: meixiankejiahua
Language classification: sino-Tibetan, Gan Hakka, Meihui
Geographical areas where spoken: China, Thailand, Malay, Indonesia
Approximate number of speakers: more than 100,000
Other languages spoken in the community: Mandarin
Official language(s) in your country: Mandarin
Language Background
My vitality assessment


Inter-generational transmission:
Most adults and some children are speakers
Absolute number of speakers:
Speaker number trends:

Most community members are speakers; speaker numbers are diminishing, but at a slow rate.

Domains of use of the language:
In  all domains except education

What have other sources said about your language?

Reported # of speakers Vitality Assessment
endangeredlanguages.com  N/A N/A
ethnologue.com  N/A N/A
en.wikipedia.org  N/A N/A

Language Documentation Training Center