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Nursery Rhyme #1: Tam4 tam4 zyun3

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This is a popular nursery rhyme that my mother used to recite to my siblings and me when we were young.

1 tam4  tam4  zyun3,   guk1                     faa1         jyun4,

ball    ball    spin       chrysanthemum    flower     garden

Go round and round; chrysanthemum garden;

2 caau2  mai5    beng2,       no6           mai5   tyun4.

fry       rice      cookie       glutinous  rice    roll

fried rice cakes; glutinous rice rolls;

3 a3        ma1       giu3    ngo5   tai2     lung4     syun4,

FAM   mother   call    1.S       look    dragon   boat

mother asked me to go watch the dragon boats,

ngo5  m4      tai2,    tai2     gai1         zai2,

1.S     NEG  look    look    chicken   child

I didn't go, I went to look at little chicks,

gai1         zai2     daai6,    ling1     heoi3   maai6.

chicken   child    big         bring    go        sell

the little chicks were big, let's go sell them,

maai6   dak1  gei2    do1      cin4?

sell       get     how    much   money

how much can we sell them for?

maai6  dak1  leong3          go3   cin4,

sell      get     2.COUNT   CL    money

We can sell them for two qian

dak1  loi4      maai5   gou1    jau6  maai5  jim4.

get     come   buy      cake     and    buy     salt

and use that to buy cakes and salt.

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