1) noun phrase
- ruma-na
- house-SG
comments: obligatory singular marking on nouns
2) noun phrase
- ruma-da
- house-PL
- vani
- four
comments: plural
3) noun phrase
- ruma-na
- house-SG
- babaga-nana
- big-SG.ADJ
comments: reduplicated number suffixes for adjectives?
4) more complex “noun phrase”
- ruma-da
- house-PL
- vani,
- four,
- boudadai
- all
- babaga
- big
comments: It would be awkward to include ‘vani’ and ‘babaga’ in the same noun phrase.
5) possessive noun phrase
- ena
- ruma-na
- house-SG
comments: alienable possession via unbound possessive pronoun
6) case marking
- ruma-na-i
- house-SG.LOC
comments: locative case
7) postpositional phrase
- va’isi-na
- girl-SG
- osidi
- with
8) postpositional phrase
- bugi-na
- dance-SG
- kaimurinanai
- after
9) intransitive sentence
- a=ava
- 1SG.SBJ=stand
comments: simple past tense is unmarked verb form
14) intransitive sentence
- o=ava
- 2SG.SBJ=stand
15) intransitive sentence
- e=gana-gere’a
- 3SG.SBJ=go-road
comments: noun incorporation?
16) intransitive sentence
- i=gana-gerea
- 1PL.SBJ=go-road
17) intransitive sentence
- i’ivaruna
- today
- ge=mai-va
- 3PL.SBJ-come-PRS
comments: ‘va’ can be used for the recent past (today, yesterday), as well as events just starting in the present; perfective/ingressive aspect?
18) intransitive sentence
- ravina
- yesterday
- u=mai-va
- 2PL.SBJ-go-PRS
19) intransitive sentence
- e=mai
- 3SG.SBJ-go
- ai’ai
- long.ago
20) intransitive sentence
- urame-na
- boy-SG
- e=si’o
- 3SG.SBJ-jump
21) intransitive sentence
- va’isi-na
- girl-SG
- e=nau
- 3SG.SBJ=swim
21) intransitive sentence
- urame-da
- boy-PL
- ge=ani’ani
- 3PL.SBJ=eat
22) intransitive sentence
- va’isi-da
- girl.PL
- ge=nobo’o
- 3PL.SBJ=play
23) transitive sentence
- urame-na
- boy-SG
- va’isi-na
- girl-SG
- e=isa-ni-a
- 3SG.SBJ=see-TR-3SG.OBJ
comments: subject-agreement clitic; object-agreement suffix
24) transitive sentence
- va’isi-na
- girl-SG
- urame-na
- boy-SG
- e=isa-ni-a
- 3SG.SBJ=see-TR-3SG.OBJ
comments: SOV as basic constituent order
25) transitive sentence
- urame-da
- boy.PL
- va’isi-na
- girl-SG
- ge=isa-ni-a
- 3PL.SBJ=see-TR-3SG.OBJ
26) transitive sentence
- va’isi-da
- girl-PL
- urame-na
- boy-SG
- ge=isa-ni-a.
- 3PL.SBJ=see-TR-3SG.OBJ
27) transitive sentence
- urame-da
- boy-3PL
- va’isi-da
- girl-3PL
- ge=isa-ni-da
- 3PL.SBJ=see-TR-3PL.OBJ
28) transitive sentence
- va’isi-da
- girl-PL
- urame-da
- boy-PL
- ge=isa-ni-da
- 3PL.SBJ=see-TR-3PL.OBJ
29) transitive sentence
- urame-na
- boy-3SG.SBJ
- e=isa-ni-‘u
- 3SG.SBJ=see-TR-1SG.OBJ
30) transitive sentence
- urame-na
- boy-SG
- a=isa-ni-a
- 1SG.SBJ=see-TR-3SG.OBJ
comments: clitic pronoun
31) transitive sentence
- va’isi-na
- girl-PL
- e=isa-ni-da
- 3PL.SBJ=see-TR-3PL.OBJ
32) transitive sentence
- va’isi-na
- girl-3SG
- ge=isa-ni-a
- 3PL.SBJ=see-TR-3SG.OBJ
33) ditransitive sentence
- urame-na
- boy-3SG
- va’isi-na
- girl-3SG
- buka-na
- book
- ka
- one
- e=ve-ni-a
- 3SG.SBJ=give-TR-3SG.OBJ
comments: ka = ‘one’: article or indefinite pronoun?
34) ditransitive sentence
- urame-na
- boy-SG
- va’isi-na
- girl-SG
- buka-da
- book-PL
- e=ve-ni-a
- 3SG.SBJ-give-TR-3SG.OBJ
comments: object marker agrees with ‘goal’, not ‘theme’