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About Me and My Language

Mt MatebianNico

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My name is Joanico Oliveira, I would like to be called Nico. I was born in Timor-Leste and my parents are originally from the Bononaro district. Tetum is the national language of Timor-Leste and most Timorese speak Tetum. However, the lack of  academic vocabulary available can make it hard to be used in the schools and formal communication. One way to get around this is by adopting loan-words from Portuguese.

Your name
Joanico Oliveira
Contact Email joanico@hawaii.edu
Preferred name(s) of your language Tetum
Alternative names Tetum Dili
Language classification Austronesian
Geographical areas where spoken South East Aisa, Timor -Leste
Approximate number of monolingual speakers Approximately 50,000
Other languages spoken in the area/country Portugues, Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Official language(s) in your country Portuguese, Tetum
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system?
If yes, what materials are written?

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Background of the Language

Tetum (also Tetun) is an Astronesia language, a national language and one of the two official languages of Timor-Leste. There are 400.000 speakers in Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara Timur) and 50.000 speakers in East-Timor. The speakers in Indonesia speak different Tetum dialect than speakers in East-Timor.
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