About Longdu

Preferred language name(s): Longdu Dialect 
Alternative names: Shaxi dialect, Dachong Dialect 
Language classification: Chinese, southern Min dialect 
Geographical areas where spoken: Shaxi town, Dachong town
Other languages are spoken in the community: Mandarin (Beijing) dialect,  Yue dialect, Hokkien…..
Official language(s) in your country: Mandarin 
Other language(s) in your country:  Mandarin, Yue dialect, Min dialect, Hokkien,etc..

Does your language have a widely accepted writing system?
In China, there are two different types of orthography, simplified and traditional. Different dialects in mainland China share the same orthography system, which is simplified Chinese. So far, there are rarely any written materials based on the Longdu dialect. Additionally, some elderly educated speakers mentioned that due to poverty and lack of education in the old time,  old written materials related to the culture of Longdu were written in Cantonese, Yue dialect, since Yue dialect was pre-dominated in Guangdong province. Nowadays, most of the written materials of the culture of Longdu are in Mandarin due to Mandarin’s political domination.

Language Background

Severely Endangered

Inter-generational transmission:
Most of the grandparent and parent generation speak the language.  Even adults know the language, but some of them do not speak it to children. 
An absolute number of speakers:
10000 – 99999
Speaker number trends:
About half of community members speak the language, and most of the community members are grandparent and parent generation.  A lot of children do not speak the language in their daily lives. The population of speakers is diminishing. 
Domains of use of the language:
Longdu dialect is mainly used at home and a few social settings, such as shop in farmer’s market or visiting relatives. Nowadays, a lot of local families in Longdu do not speak Longdu at home, especially the ones with children, because parents want their children to learn the dominated and official languages, Cantonese and Mandarin.  It is also not promoted in office settings, such as schools, workplaces, or governmental places. 

Other resoruce said about Longdu:
The number of speakers in these resource are not clear because the data was gathered couple years and Longdu is a place with a huge flow of immigrants. Thus, the number of Longdu speakers is hard to track.

Reported # of speakers Vitality Assessment
Longdu Radio    120000 (n.d)
en.wikipedia.org  150000 (2013)

Language Documentation Training Center