A Limbu Song

Sepmang:o Sorang
(I Woke From a Dream)
This song was originally written by Dilip Phurumbo and sung by Manu Nembang
Sepmang:o sorang chijing larang 
I woke up trembling from a nightmare
sepmangle kedhokhe
It was a bad dream
susunu nene keyamne tukpi i: these kebokkhe 
I saw you were very sad. Are you sick? What happened to you?
sakmenja kewa?i: wamendhung kewa?i: 
Are you starving or thirsty?
yammire lajeo:
In a foreign land
pangbheha itnu himsaha itnu yukkheo: ningwao:
Please remember the village and family in your heart.
tangbeang kaktu nenego la?a
One year has passed, I want to see you.
nokheang ferena 
Please come back.
samyangang yaktu, yuppaang yaktu
I don’t need any gold nor do I need silver
him ittang nokhena
please remember home and come back. 

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