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Genealogy Kiribati Song

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Kiribati Language
 Story of my royal family's genealogy

This story is being told by my aunty
Listen to complete story

Aio makoro teuana n karakinaia au bakatibu n aron rikia n Uea mai abau ae Makin ao Butaritari.  

This is the first part of the story of my ancestor's royal genealogy from my home island of Makin and Butaritari.


Te karaki aio are e karakinaki nakoiu iroun ai tinau temanna.

This story is being told by one of my aunties.

Ngkoa imwain rokoia imatang iaon Kiribati, ao iai uoua aron tein te tautaeka iaon aban Kiribati 

Long ago, before the arrival of Europeans to Kiribati, there are two kinds of ruling system on the islands of Kiribati

nte itera maiaki,nuuka ao meang. Makin ao Butaritari tenaan kabanea n aba man te itera meang ao a ataki 

in the southern, central and northern parts. Makin and Butaritari, are the two most northerly islands which are known

n aron teia are te Uea ae e tautaeka. N aron rikiu ngkanne mai iroun tamau ao ti bon nako mai Makin ao

for the monarchy government. In my genealogy from my father’s side, we came from Makin and

Butaritari. Ara ikawai ae  Teitibonuea, ngaia are e Uea ao tautaeka iaon Mwakin ao Butaritari n taai
Butaritari. Our ancestor named Teitibonuea is the King and he ruled the islands of Makin and Butaritari in those
akekei. E maiti natin Teitibonuea ma Teaouoki ngaia are e manga Uea imwina imwin  tokanikaina iaoia  
days. He has many sons and Teauoki is the one that took over after him after his victory over
aiana n tain te bo ni buaka. Teauoki n aron kabwarabwarana ao te aomata ngaia ae e aintoa, ababaki ao

his rivals during tribal war. Teauoki as to describe him, he was gigantic, tall and 

korakora n tiringia aiana aika a maiti n tain te bo n buaka. E maeka Teauoki i Butaritari ma buuna ao

very strong to kill his many rivals during the war. Teauoki settled in Butaritari with his many wives 

natina aika a maiti ao ea uea iaon Makin ao Butaritari. N aron tauakin te nakoa n uea ao te moan nati te

and children and ruled over Makin and Butaritari. With known rules for the passing over of title, a first born

mane ngaia are e anganaki te nakoa. Teatumateatata ngaia ana moan n nati n mane Teauoki ao ngaia are ea

son is the one to receive the title. Teatumateatata was the first born son of Teauoki and he was the one that 

anganaki te nakoa imwin Teauoki. Inanon ana tai n uea Teatumateatata ao e rang korakora kan

given the title after his father. During the time of Teatumateatata's ruling, there were strong desires to

karanganakoakina irouia tarin tamana, Na Manarara ma natina mane aika a maeka i Makin. Temango

overthrow him, by his uncle Na Manarara and his sons who were lived in Makin. Temango

temanna naba tarin tamana are e mamananga imarenan Makin ao Butaritari ao E ata aron te waki aio. E

one of his father’s brothers who used to travel between Makin and Butaritari, knew this plan. He        

bon noora aron aia katauraoi Na Manarara ma natina mane iaon aia bwai n buaka. N rokon Temango

actually saw the preparations done by Na Manarara and his sons in making their weapons. During Temango's

teuana te tai iaon Butaritari ao ea kimoa n tuanga Teatumateatata te waaki ni kamamane aio. E tuanga

arrival on Butaritari one day, He made an effort to secretly tell Teatumateatata the plan of attacking. He told

ba ena rimoana nako tanrio ao ena rinnako ni karaba ian te wa ni kawai ae bubura ae e

him to go before him to lagoon side where they have this old traditional kind of canoe which was big and

ataki n arana ae te baurua ao iai tungana ae bubura. Ea kewe Temango ba aongkoa ena mim

has a big hole at the botttom and known by its name as the ‘baurua'. Temango pretended to urinate

irarikin te wa, e kania te tunga ao ea kanakoa naba ana maroro nakon Teatumateatata are e mena ian te

beside the canoe, he came closer to the canoe’s hole and started talking to Teatumateatata who hide under the

wa. E tuanga Teatumateatata ba ena kakatauraoia imwain rokon aia tai n oro ai tamana ma tarina akeke

canoe. He told him that he had to prepare himself before the arrival of attack by his uncle and cousin brothers that 

i Makin are ana roko n tain te oti n namakaina. Nte tai aei ao Teatumateatata e bon tuai n rang mane ao  

were lived in Makin who will come in the new moon. This time, Teatumateatata was not really matured

karimoana ae Nei Bakanaomata ea buoka manena aio ma bain kawai. Ea tetebokia ni katoa karangaina n

and so her older sister named Bakanaomata helped him with some magic spells. She bathed him everyday at dawn in

ana  nei ae e mena i tanraken aia auti. Tebokakina aio are e kamatoaki ao kaunaki n

his pond which located at ocean side of their house. This bath was to make him strong and aggressive, to 

anganaki te korakora ba ena kona n kaitairaia taan oroia

give him strength so he could able to fight against his rivals.