I-Kiribati Song

Listen to this.

Aio    rongorongo   -n

DET  story                  -GEN
This is the story of
Aba        -u                             ae      e           bati                 n                      tangira -ki
Country  -1.S.POSS             REL   it          much               LINK                love       -PASS
My country which is much loved
Ti         maiu   i-                      buako            -n                    te         roo
We      live      PREP-            midst   -PREP            DET    darkness
We lived long ago in the darkness
Imwain           roko               -n                    te         ota
before             arrival              -GEN             DET    light
Before the arrival of the light
Ae                   ota      -n                    ana    kaibangaki
REL                light     -GEN              His      cross
Which is the light of His cross
Kaibangaki   Kristo
cross             Christ
Christ’s cross
Ai                    kakawa -ra                o
INTJ                pity         -INTJ            NTJ
Oh! What a pity!
Maiu   -ia                    ara                  bakatibu
life       -3.P.POSS     1.P.POSS      ancestor
The lives of our ancestors
A        maiu    ma                  te         tiritiri
They  live        CONJ             DET    murder
They lived with murder
I-                      buakon          kaubwai        -ia
PREP-            among            treasure          -3.P.POSS
Among their treasure
Bon                akea   te         tangira
EMPH             none    DET    love
Certainly no love
I-                      marena          -ia                    baronga
PREP-            between         -3.P.POSS     tribe
Between their tribes
A         buaka            n                      eka                 nako
3.P      wage.war      PREP              go.against      against
They waged war by going against
Rao                -ia                                ake                 tabeman
Friend             -3.P.POSS                 which              separate
Their friends from separate tribes
A        tuai                 n                      ataa                tua                              -n                    te
3P       not.yet             LINK                know               commandment          -GEN              DET
They did not yet know the commandments of
Tua                             -n                    te         tangira
commandment          -GEN              DET    love
The commandments of love
Ai                    kakawa -ra                o
INTJ                pity         -INTJ            NTJ
Oh! What a pity!
Maiu   -ia                    ara                  bakatibu
life       -3.P.POSS     1.P.POSS      ancestor
The lives of our ancestors
A        maiu    ma                  te         tiritiri
They  live        CONJ             DET    murder
They lived with murder
I-                      buakon          kaubwai        -ia
PREP-            among            treasure          -3.P.POSS
Among their treasure