JAVANESE - Pekalongan

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Traditional Games

    1. Cublak-Cublak Suweng - Someone lies on his/her knees and hands and other children sit around him/her. Each of them put her/his hand on the first person's back. The leader will move a small stone around their hands while singing “cublak-cublak suweng” song, and after the song finish, one of them will hold the stone and all hands are balled-up in fists so the ones can’t see where the stone is and he has to guess where is the stone. If he can guess where, the person who holds the stone will take his place and do the same role. If he/she cannot guess, he/she still has the same job.
    2. Rok Umpet - First, a group of children decide who will be the first to take role as a finder by “hompimpa”. Then, he/she has to close his/her eyes and stay in his/her place until he/she gets a sign that other friends already hidden in their secret place. His/her job is to find them, after that they will decide again for the next round.
    3. Colong Gendero - This child game is almost similar with Rok Umpet, but colong gendera needs a tree as a symbol of defense. So, whoever takes a role as a finder, he/she also has responsibility to keep the tree during finding his/her friends so that nobody touches the tree. If one of his/her friend touch the tree, it means he/she is loser and have to be a finder again.
    4. Jengklek - First, we draw a certain line on the ground as a map where we will jump with one of our leg. We also use a small piece of roof tile that we throw in front of us, and we have to take it first before we continue our jump to another side of the map. But, we have to keep our jump so we will not step on the wrong line. If we did it, we will stop in that place and our friend will take his/her turn to play. We do this one by one and finally whoever can pass the map first becomes the winner.