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Poetry  #1: Ti Huubulo

#2: Other Verses 

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Listen to poem
a Gorontalo Poem written by Prof. Mansoer Pateda and Yenny P. Pulubuhu

      Utia  wungguli li Huubulo

DET  story  DET Hubulo

This is a story of the Hubulo

Tio aulia lo Hulondalo to tau mulolo

3 holy person DET  Gorontalo to people from the past

He is a holy man of Gorontalo who ordered people 

U-motabia, mo-`Ibadati mulo-mulo
IFN-pray, do charity first-fiirst
To pray, to do charity as the primarily goal

Alihu ito manusia diila mo`otapu puulo
 So 1.PL  human no get sin
So they cannot get into sin

     Ti Huubulo talangota lo taaulia

DET Hubulo one DET holy people

Hubulo is a holy man

Ta lo hundula manusia motabia
3S DET order human pray.3S
He ordered people to pray

Debo Odelo tabo wau labia
Just like fat and sago
Just like fat and sago

To rahmati wawu ibadaati mobiibiya
Blessing and praying are balance
Blessing and praying are in balance

Tanggulo tawu motaabiya
ask people pray
He ordered people to pray

Roh li Hubulo daha-daha lipu botiya
Soul DET Hubulo keep region DET
The soul of Hubulo keeps this region

Holondalo ngo`a`ami dilata ohulia
Gorontalo all not release
All Gorontalo regions will not be released

Alihu ito diila moali hiwiwi-wiwia
So 3PL not be separated
So we cannot be separated
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Payu didu lalangi
Dasar tidak dijalankan
Does not perform the basic

Malo molola jamani
Akan meninggalkan jaman
Will leave age

Diila pohama tamani
Jangan memilih teman
Do not choose friend

U mo`o rugi iimani
Yang merugikan iman
Who will decrease faith

Po tabia po puasa
Salat dan berpuasalah
Pray and fast

To dunia dila baka
Dunia tidakklah kekal
The world is not eternal

Bo hale basarata
Hanyalah budi baik yang menyertai
Only good deeds which accompany

Naraka hi wolata
Neraka sedang menunggu
The hell is waiting

Wanu guru o piyohe
Jika dengan guru berbaik hati
If with the teacher is being nicely

Nuuru u tohe-tohe
Cahaya menjadi pentunjuk
Light becomes a guidance

Wanu o piyohe guru
Jika berbaik hati kepada guru
If being nice to the teacher

Tohe-tohe lo nuuru
petunjuknya adalah nur
her guidance is the light

To lauhi to tuladu
Telah ditakdirkan dan disuratkan
Predestined and lettered

Ajali wau tonggadu
Ajal dan janji
Death and promised

To kudurati sababu
Adalah kuadrat penyebabnya
Are quadratics causes

Didu mo`o linggolabu
Bukanlah sesuatu yang menakjubkan
Not something incredible

Henenga u lo ilimu
Kejarlah dengan ilmu
Pursue it with knowledge

Hurupu wau isimu

Huruf dengan lafalnya
Letters and pronunciation

Dila bolo tolaimu

Jangan sampai kau tinggalkan
Do not leave them

o Allah kibilatimu

kepada Allah kiblatmu

To Allah is your kiblah

Po lubo mola to Allah
Sujudlah kepada Allah
Prostrated to Allah

Wolo to nabi Murusala
dan kepada Rasullullah
and to the Prophet

Delo luasi to dalala
Agar dilapangkan jalan
So your path becomes easy

To hulu wau to Allah
Dari awal menuju Allah yang maha suci
From the beginning to the Almighty Allah

Sipata ma`aluma
Sifat memaklumkan
The nature of declaration

Dahai u odihuma
Jagalah untuk dijadikan pedoman
Keep to be a guideline

Ilimu uwito u ohuna
Ilmu itu yang berguna
Knowledge is useful

Wanu ma dilihuma
Yang telah menjadi pegangang
which becomes a basic