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Utia wungguli li Huubulo |
DET story DET Hubulo |
This is a story of the Hubulo |
Tio aulia lo Hulondalo to tau mulolo |
3 holy
person DET Gorontalo to
people from the past |
He is a holy man of Gorontalo who ordered people |
U-motabia, mo-`Ibadati mulo-mulo |
do charity first-fiirst |
To pray, to do charity as the primarily goal |
Alihu ito manusia diila mo`otapu puulo |
So 1.PL human no get sin |
So they cannot get into sin |
Ti Huubulo talangota lo taaulia |
DET Hubulo one DET holy
people |
Hubulo is a holy man |
Ta lo hundula manusia motabia |
3S DET order human pray.3S |
He ordered people to pray |
Debo Odelo tabo wau labia |
Just like fat and sago |
Just like fat and sago |
To rahmati wawu ibadaati mobiibiya |
Blessing and praying are balance |
Blessing and praying are in balance |
Tanggulo tawu motaabiya |
ask people pray |
He ordered people to pray |
Roh li
Hubulo daha-daha lipu botiya |
Soul DET Hubulo keep region DET |
The soul of Hubulo keeps this region |
Holondalo ngo`a`ami dilata ohulia |
Gorontalo all not release |
All Gorontalo regions will not be released |
Alihu ito diila moali hiwiwi-wiwia |
So 3PL not be separated |
So we cannot be separated |
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didu lalangi
tabia po puasa
guru o piyohe
lauhi to tuladu
u lo ilimu
Kejarlah dengan ilmu Pursue it with knowledge Hurupu wau isimu Huruf dengan lafalnya Letters and pronunciation Dila bolo tolaimu Jangan sampai kau tinggalkan Do not leave them T kepada Allah kiblatmu To Allah is your kiblah |
lubo mola to Allah