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Song Lyrics #1: Hulondalo Lipu`u   

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This is a famous song in Gorontalo. It tells about someone who travels abroad and misses his hometown.

Hulondalo Lipu'u pilotutuwa Ola'u 
Gorontalo hometown-1pos  born-1prs
Gorontalo is my hometown where I was born

Dilata Olipata'u  detunggulo mate wa`u
never forget-1prs until die-1prs
I will never forget untill I die

Lipu'u Hulondalo Teto wa`u bilandalo 
hometown-1pos Gorontalo there -1prs grow up
Gorontalo is my hometown where I was grew up

Wa'u Ma moLolo Mo'otola Hulondalo
I  will miss leave Gorontalo
 I will miss Grorontalo, If  I leave my hometown

Tilongkabila huidiyo, Bone dutula liyo
Tilongkabila mountain-3pos, Bone river-3pos
Tilongkabila is the mountain, Bone is the river

Limutu Bulalo Liyo Amani Tau Liyo
Limutu lake-3pos, nice people-3pos
Limboto is the lake, the people is nice

Hulondalo Matola'u Lipu'ilo Ponu Olu'u
Gorontalo will leave I, town I love
I will leave Gorontalo, the town that I love

Dilata Oli Pata'u Detunggu Lo Mate Wa'u
never forget-1prs until die-1prs
I will never forget untill I die
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