Preferred language name(s): Banjarese
Alternative names: Banjar Language, Bahasa, Basa Banjar, Bandjarese, Banjar Malay, Labuhan
Language classification: Austronesian Language
Geographical areas where spoken: Kalimantan Selatan province: Banjarmasin area; Kalimantan Tengah province: Palangkaraya, Pangkalanbun, and Sampit; Kalimantan Timur province: Kutai, Pasir, and Pulau Laut coastal regions, north toward Samarinda city and Mahakan delta; Kalimantan Barat province: some in coastal Matua; Kalimantan south and southeastern coasts, Java Sea and Makassar Strait.
Approximate number of speakers: 3,500,000 (2000 census), increasing. Total users in all countries: 3,505,000.
Other languages spoken in the community: Many, mainly Indonesian
Official language(s) in your country: Indonesian
Other language(s) in your country: The number of individual languages listed for Indonesia is 719. Of these, 707 are living and 12 are extinct. Of the living languages, 701 are indigenous and 6 are non-indigenous. Furthermore, 18 are institutional, 81 are developing, 260 are vigorous, 272 are in trouble, and 76 are dying.
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system? Roman Script
Language Background
Language Status: EGIDS:
3 (Wider communication)
Inter-generational transmission:
The language is used in work and mass media without official status to transcend language differences across a region.
Most adults and some children are speakers.
All native community members speak the language, but many transmigrational populations from Java can only speak marginally.
Absolute number of speakers:
Speaker number trends:
Almost all community members speak the language; speaker numbers are stable or increasing.
Domains of use of the language:
Used in government, mass media, education and the workplace; most speakers value their language education and literacy in the language are valued by most community members; government and other institutions support the language.
What have other sources said about your language?
Reported # of speakers | Vitality Assessment | | | not endangered | n/a | | 3,500,000 | 3 | | 3,505,000 | n/a |