Name: Wenyi Ling
Contact: wenyi9
Preferred language name(s): Pudonghua
Alternative names: Pudongnese
Language classification: Pudonghua, Shanghainese, Wu Chinese, Sino-Tibet
Geographical areas where spoken: Pudong New District, Shanghai, China
Approximate number of speakers: NA
Other languages spoken in the community: Shanghainese, Mandarin
Official language(s) in your country: Mandarin
Other language(s) in your country: hundreds of dialect
My language doesn’t have a widely accepted writing system.
If yes, what materials are written?
Language Background (in learning sequence)
Pudonghua , Shanghainese, Mandarin, English, German…
[Severely Endangered]
Inter-generational transmission:
Some adults know the language, but do not speak it to children.
Absolute number of speakers:
10000 – 99999
Speaker number trends:
Fewer than half of community members speak the language.
Domains of use of the language:
The language is being replaced even in the home; some speakers may values their language while the majority support language shift.
How to revitalize Pudonghua?
Pudonghua is spoken mostly by elderly people. These people are traditionally farmers and have a lot of knowledge about weather patterns and other cultural topics. My plan is to gather my grandmother and other people of that age and record them telling stories. These stories will be collected into a CD that will be given to each of their families.