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About Me and My Language

About Me Spring 2012 Projects
Suffixes storyreading1 (mp3 file)
storyreading2 (mp3 file)
mandailingsong (mp3 file)
Sport terms

Hi, I am Saiful Anwar Matondang, just call me SAM. My native language is Mandailing, because I was born in Psr Maga, Kotanopan, Tapanuli Selatan -North Sumatra Indonesia. Being multilingual I speak American English, Bahasa Indonesia, Batawi, Melayu, and Minang Kabau. In LDTC University of Hawaii, I already learned how to record Mandailing. mypic2

Contact Email  Sam9@hawaii.edu
Language classification You can get this info from ethnologue.com
Geographical areas where spoken Tapanuli Selatan and Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra Indonesia.
Approximate number of monolingual speakers 1.500.000
Background of the Language
Based on the ethnolinguistics, Mandailing is part of Batak language in Austronesia family  group. Mandailing Natal and Tapanuli Selatan are the main place of the speakers of Mandailing. But because of migration  the Mandailing have lived in the East coast of Sumatra, Java, and Malaysia.Currently the speakers of Mandailing are 1.500.000. The Mandailing currently are spreading thoughout Southeast Asia.