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Story/Song Lyrics #1: Topai hăng Kơrua

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1 Anai     topai   lăi    kơ krua, "Hiŭm ih   dŏ      nao to luič         tui anai

So       rabbit says to turtle   why you always go  ta habitually  like that

"One day Rabbit said to Turtle, "why do you always come late?

2 Hiŭm ih     thâo hmâo bŏng bơnga pơ sang pơ tao dih

How you can    get    eat    flower  in house in  king there

How can you always arrive early enough for the king's party?

3 Anai Krŏ lăi kơ krua, " Ơi   Krua, kâo kiăng pô-lông lăng dua gih'

So toad say to turtle Hey turtle I    want check            two 2-you

Then the Cane Toad said to Turtle, "I want to start the race for you two!

Laih anŭn Krua hăng Pai,    gơñu dŏ  hrŏm, laih anŭn Krŏ jô:     Sa, dua, klâo. Laih anŭn Pai hăng Krua hơrăn đuăi.

Then        Turtle and Rabbit they stay together then   toad count: one, two, three then     rabbit and turtle take off run

So Turtle and Rabbit stood together at the start and the Cane Toad counted, one, two, three! Then Rabbit and Turtle took off running.

Tơpai đuăi beč bal, ñu đuăi nao hlâo. Samŏ tơng-krăh jơlan, ñu pơdơi hĭ, ñu pơmĭn: "Hiŭm Krua anăm đuăi hmâo kâo?"

Rabbit run fast       he  run go   ahead, but    a haft   way       he  take a rest, he think "How turtle can run    got    me

Rabbit runs fast, so he got ahead. But when he was halfway there he took a rest thinking, "How could Turtle possibly catch up to me?

Laih anŭn ñu dŏ dơng, pĭt hĭ.        Ñu lăng bŭh kơthul đuăi amăng hăng ngŏ dĭh, ñu dŏ lăng laih anŭn ñu pĭt sui hĭ

then         he  stop       take a nap He look see clould go    on        over sky there he looking then he sleep a while

So he stopped and took a nap. He watched the clouds passing in the sky, and looking up he slept for awhile

Anai Krua ñu bĭ hmâo le tơngan beč bal, ñu gir run rơbat. Tui anŭn, Krua trŭh    hlâo laih anŭn bŏng hĭ bơnga pơ sang pơtao

so    turtle he not have leg hand  fast       he  try      walk     however turtle arrive first  then       eat       flower in   house king

Turtle is not fast when he tries to walk. But despite this,  Turtle arrived first and joined the party early

Anŭn Tơpai pơmĭn, "Nơng ai Krua jiăm trŭh laih", tui anŭn ñu hơren đuăi hĭ, samő Krua trŭh laih         hlâo, laih anŭn bŏng bơnga dih laih.

then  rabbit think      may be  turtle near arrive then so      he run       go        but   turtle  arrive aready first  and         eat    flower  there aready

Meanwhile Rabbit thought, "Maybe Turtle is close to finishing!" So he ran there, but Turtle had already arrived first and joined the party early

Jing        anŭn Krua thăng hĭ, Tơpai thuô hĭ

Become then           turtle  win   ,  rabbit loose    

Thus it was that Turtle won, and Rabbit lost

Abĭh dô anũn yơh!

end   already

That's the end!

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