About Hokkien

Preferred language name(s): Taiwanese Hokkien
Alternative names: Minnan, Southern Min
Language classification: ISO 369-3, Sino Tibetan, 6a on EGIDS
Geographical areas where spoken: Taiwan, Southeastern China
Approximate number of speakers: 27,100,000 (2013) Total users in all countries 48,339,200.
Other languages spoken in the community: Mandarin,Hakka Chinese, and other Austronesian languages
Official language(s) in your country: Mandarin Chinese
Other language(s) in your country: Hakka Chinese, other Austronesian languages 
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system? Yes
If yes, what materials are written? Anything from the government will be in romanticized writing, but speakers generally prefer to use Chinese characters to represent what they are saying. 

Vigorous Language

Inter-generational transmission:
Most adults and some children are speakers.
Absolute number of speakers:
Speaker number trends:
About half of community members speak the language; speakers are diminishing.
Domains of use of the language:
Used mainly just in the home; some speakers may value their language but many are indifferent or support language shift; no literacy or education programs exist for the language; government encourages shift to the majority language.

Reported # of speakers Vitality Assessment
ethnologue.com  27,100,000  6a
en.wikipedia.org  37,000,000


Language Documentation Training Center