Preferred language name(s): Hindi
Language classification: [Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan]
Geographical areas where spoken: India
Approximate number of speakers: [380 Million]
Other languages spoken in the community: Gujarati, area: Ahmedabad
Official language(s) in your country: Hindi, specific states have official regional languages
Other language(s) in your country: Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Konkan etc.
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system? Yes
If yes, what materials are written?
Godan by Premchand
“जब तक नदी बाढ़ पर थी, उसके गंदले, तेज़, फेनिल प्रवाह में प्रकाश की किरणें बिखरकर रह जाती थीं। अब प्रवाह स्थिर और शांत हो गया था और रश्मियाँ उसकी तह तक पहुँच रहीं थीं।”
Language Background
My vitality assessment
Inter-generational transmission:
All community members speak the language.
Absolute number of speakers:
Speaker number trends:
Almost all community members speak the language; speaker numbers are stable or increasing.
Domains of use of the language:
Used in government, mass media, education and the workplace; most speakers value their language education and literacy in the language are valued by most community members; government and other institutions support the language.
What have other sources said about your language?
Reported # of speakers | Vitality Assessment | | | || | 381,359,750 | 1 (National) | | 380,000,000 | Safe |