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About Me and My Language

Traditional House in Timor-Leste

Orthography   Morphology   Story/Song   Word List   Syntax    Language Use     Dictionary

Ola, Esperanca de Deus Santos Lopes is my full name, but you can call me Eka.
I come from Timor-Leste (a small island that located between Indonesia and Australia).
In this page, I am presenting you Tetum language, which is the native language that is most spoken in Timor-Leste. It is essential to read this page if you are planning to visit Timor-Leste (someday, maybe). This page gives you some important basic language that you will use to meet and negotiate with local people. 

The picture above is traditional house 'Uma Adat' in Atauro,Timor-Leste.
Picture:This house is normally use to keep the commodity of our great-grandparents.

I am interested in my language because it's my language.

Your name (first, last)
Esperanca de Deus, Santos Lopes
Contact Email lopeseka01@gmail.com
Preferred name(s) of your language Tetum
Alternative names Tetum Prasa
Language classification Austronesian Language
Geographical areas where spoken Dili, Timor Leste
Approximate number of monolingual speakers 400.000 - 450.000
Other languages spoken in the area/country Indonesian, Portuguese, Kemak, Bunak, Makasae, Fataluku, Mambae, etc
Official language(s) in your country Portuguese
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system?
If yes, what materials are written?
Newspaper, Books, Websites, etc
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Background of the Language

Tetum is a language that is mostly spoken in Timor-Leste. There are many words from Portuguese and Indonesian that have been borrowed into the Tetum language.

Source Reported number of speakersVitality Assessment            
www.ethnologue.com400.000 - 450.000



other source (Google search)800.000

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