My Work


      1. MP3 Version of the story

      2. Story

      3. Corresponding sound



  2. Story


dimgai suihiong gia nuiyi chutga dou wui yao jia, zi xin,
why GIA daughter marry all will have umbrella paper fan
sat gokmai, giang kuo-guo zapzok,
sprinkle rice mirror KUO-CL custom
‘Why the marriage of girls in watertown has the customs of bringing umbrella, paper fan, rice and mirror?’

gan zao yiu cong zougong hong toufanui ga daofat gong-hei la,
GAN ZAO will from Zougong and Taohuanu GA compete speak-up PART
‘It can be talked from the combating between Zou Gong and Tao Huanyu.’

wasü zougong xiong cui toufanui,
speaking.of Zougong want marry Taohuanu
‘Zou Gong wants to marry Tao Huanyu.’

toufanui ngai gao yen damdai,
Taohuanu art tall person brave
‘Tao Huanyu is skillful and brave.’

kui zao dapying zuo,
3 ZAO accept PART
‘She accepts it.’

zougong nie zao jidou toufanui m hou duifu,
Zougong PART ZAO know Taohuanu NEG good deal.with
‘Zou Gong knows that Tao Huanyu is not so easy to deal with.’

zao pai zuo gam gai hong ji fu lui hakzai toufanui,
ZAO assign with gold cock and paper tiger come subdue Taohuanu
‘He assigns golden cock and paper tiger to subdue Tao Huanyu.’

wa mei gong-ying,
speech NEG speak-finish

gam gai zao zou-lui diang toufanui,
gold cock ZAO walk-come sting Taohuanu
‘Golden cock comes to Tao Huanyu and stings her.’

toufanui nie zao yong ba jia lui dongji gam gai,
Taohuanu PART ZAO use CL umbrella come gold cock
‘Tao Huanyu uses the umbrella to ward off the stinging.’

genji nie zao jiong nie gokmai sat dou dei-ha,
follow PART ZAO will PART rice sprinkle arrive ground-down
‘Then she sprinkles the rice on the ground.’

gam gai hei-dou dei-ha you gokmai,
gold cock experience-to ground-down have rice
‘The golden cock sees the rice on the ground.’

zao guji diang ni gokmai zao m geide diang toufanui la,
ZAO focus sting PART rice ZAO NEG remember sting Taohuanu PART
‘It eats the rice and forgets to sting Tao Huanyu.’

genji zi fu nie zao binsing zuo jie dai luofu bo,
follow paper tiger PART ZAO transform ZUO CL big tiger PART
‘Then comes the Paper Tiger. The Paper Tiger transforms to a big real tiger.’

toufanui nie zao yong ba zi xin dangji kui ge yat-po,
Taohuanu PART ZAO use CL paper fan 3 GE one-pounce
‘Tao Huanyu uses the paper fan to ward off the pouncing of the tiger.’

genji nie zao binsing zuo yi-zuo dai san,
follow PART ZAO become PART one-CL big mountain
‘The she becomes a big mountain.’

genji nie zao yong ba giang jiuji luofu bo,
follow PART ZAO use CL mirror reflect tiger PART
‘and mirrors the tiger by her mirror.’

luofu tei-gin giang yatmin ge luofu bei kui wan yiu dai sa-pui,
tiger experience-see mirror inside GE tiger compare 3 still will big ten-times
‘The tiger sees from the mirror a tiger, which is ten times bigger than him.’

kui nie diu tou zao zou zuo la,
3 PART switch head ZAO walk PART PART
‘and runs away.’

zougong nie tei-gin jie laofu kuo hongmam kou zou-guo-lui,
Zougong PART experience-see CL tiger very ferocious KOU walk-pass-come
‘Zou Gong sees the tiger run toward him ferociously.’

bei dou bei m qie,
avoid all avoid NEG PART
‘and can not avoid it.’

zao bei laofu zong-wen zuo la.
ZAO Prep tiger bump-faint 3 PART
‘He is run down faintly by the tiger.’

shuoyi cong ci nie,
so from this PART
‘So from then on,’

suihiong gia nuiyi chutga dou wui yao jia, zi xin, giang, sat gokmai, kuo guo zapzok la. GIA daughter marry all will have umbrella paper fan mirror sprinkle rice CL custom PART
‘the marriange of girls in watertown has the customs of bringing umbrella, paper fan, rice and mirror.’


 3. Corresponding sound

  • Vowel



  • Consonant