Cuội may cung trang Cuoi and the moon Click here to hear the story read aloud Cuội la moot eng-gyan ton. Cuoi was one boy
poor "Cuoi was a poor boy." Hang ngai eng noh pao
ru chat cun to
ban le thien soong. Every day
boy DET enter forest cut
firewood DET sell take money live "Every day, he went to the forest to
collect the fire wood to sell for a living." Moot hoom, troong nooc tang
chat cun thi thaay moot pay khan con
tang rau One noon while moment PROG
cut firewood DET see one
group tiger small PROG play kheenh noo noh. near
boy DET "One day, while he was collecting fire
wood, he saw a group of small tigers playing nearby," eng noh
ngi la phai diet lu
khan con no vi chung se nguy-hieem cho ngai-jaan boy DET think is must kill
DET tiger small DET because they
FUT dangerous give people troong lang troong tuong-lai. in
village in future "and he thought he had to kill them
because he thought that the small tigers could be dangerous for the villagers
in the future." jo-do. eng noh jiet het maay con
khan con noh, khoong loo sau, khan mee So
boy DET kill all several offspring tiger small DET NEG long after tiger mother ti
mec doo an vieen
va man Cuoi, Cuoi treo leen con
oh kheenh ohi. go find
food eat return and chase Cuoi
Cuoi climb up tree DET
near DET "So, he killed all of the small
tigers. Very soon later, the mother
tiger came back and chased Cuoi, and Cuoi climbed up the tree nearby." |