Language Documentation Training Center
Linguistic Society of Hawaii
1890 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA


                        CAWI (a female’s name)
La ombo'mi to allo makale (the morning sun is arising)
Tapada malemo situru' (lets go together)
Sariri kinallo passan pekali (bring your tools and equipments)
Tengka-tengkamu tang di papadai (none has steps like yours)
Malappuk na matoro takeamu (you have strong muscular arms)
Te'damo diampa' padammu (none is like you)
Iyato baine mangkasara muane (you are a female working like a man)
Malotong tepu kuli' bi'timu (your skin is black burned by the sun)
Baine sabbara nasenga' tau (people remember you as a patient woman)
Ma'namo danggi kakita-kita (you don’t expect to much)
Penawara tongan lako padan ta (only the heart that people see)
Masessa to nanga ka tuo an (life is so hard)

          * to listen the song, please click CAWI