International Mother Language Day

With a long and rich literary tradition, Bengali binds together a culturally diverse region and contributes significantly to Bengali nationalism. In former East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh), the strong linguistic consciousness led to the Bengali Language Movement, in which several people were killed during protests to maintain writing Bengali in the Bengali script and to gain its recognition as a state language on 21 February 1952. The day has since been observed as Language Movement Day in Bangladesh, and was declared the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO. -- From Wikipedia


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aumor     ekushe aaj

Immortal  21st      today

(Today is the Immortal 21st (of February))


naam holau jaar     aumor    ekush

name is        which immortal 21st

(The name of which is the Immortal 21st)


aaj      rauktojhoraa     aumor     ekushe.

today  bloody.Resp     immortal 21st

(Today is this historical 21st.)


mohaan shauhid dibaush.

great       martyr    day

(The great martyr day.)


maayar bhassha -r        maurjaada raukkha-i        buke-r        rauktau dhele dēar  din.

mother language-DEF  respect       protect  -Def   chest-Def  blood     dump give day

(Today is the day to give blood to protect the respect of the mother tongue.)


Salaam, Raufik, Barkat, aar, Shaufyul-er            mauto      bisshanna  thauka     thauka

Salaam, Raufik, Barkat  and Shaufyul-Def.Plu  depressed  bundle    bundle 


naamguulau sauran        kaure    gaurbe  buk     bhaure uthaar    din.

name.Plu       remember  PROG  proud     chest  full        rise         day

(This is the day to remember the names of Salaam, Raufik, Barkat, and Shaufyul and others, and feel proudest.)


kaler paurikkroma-i     ei    din-tii     aaj    goTa    bisshoboshi-r     jaunna-i     maatrii-bhashaa-ke

time  turn -DEF  this day-DEF  today   whole  mankind  -DEF for   -EMP mother-language-DEF 

shamman jananor  upolaukkhau

honor         inform    intend            

(By the time, today is the day for the whole world to pay a tribute to mother language.)


aaj      antorjaatik     maatrii-bhashaa   dibosh

today  international mother-language day

(Today is International Mother Language Day.)


british bhaarat bhengge paakistan howaar  koek bhauchaur-er mauDDhai purbo-bangla-bashi  -r

British India  broken Pakistan   became some year   -PL between   east    -Bengal-inhabitant-PL 


proTham moho  -bhonggo     ghoTe  -chilau ei    bhashaa-ke       kendro-kaura      -i

first           dotage-broken        happen-PST    this language-DEF  center  -do.PRS-DEF

(A few years after British India was divided into Pakistan, the East Pakistanis first became disillusioned (with Pakistan) because of this language.)


je bhashaa aandaulaun-ke ghire baangali taar  aatto-paurichoi aar shautauntrau niye 

DEF language movement   -DEF  circle Bengali   his   self identity and  difference  take.3PROG


prautaum-bare-r mautau shauchaukita hoe uThe-chilau,

first            -time-DEF like  alerted  become.PST wake.up-PST 


baanno-r   ekushe february   taar shaupche ujjaul kkhon

fifty-two -DEF  21st February his   most bright moment

(With this language movement, Bengalis first became alerted their self identity.)


bhashaa  -r        daabi     -te      aanddolon chaulchilau                koek   bhauchaur dhauri.

language-DEF  claim     -DEF movement  continue.PSTPROG  many years           PROG

(The language rights movement had continued for many years.)


purbopaakistan-er       shaunka gaurishtau bangaali-r     mukh-er       bhashaa-ke  upekkhaa kaure

EastPakistan-DEF number majority Bengali-PL mouth-DEF language-DEF ignore do.PST.PROG 


paakistan-er shaŋhauti raukkhar aujuhaat-e  urdu-ke   desh-er   ekmattrau raashttra-bhashaa

Pakistan -DEF  integrity  protect   excuse   -DEF Urdu-DEF  country-DEF  only state-language 


hishebe chaapiye dewar shauraujantri-r abhaash petei 

considering forcing give conspiracy-DEF warning  receive.PST 


protibad-er fushe uThe  -chilau  bangaali.

protest   -DEF  blast  wake.up-PST   Bengali

(Though the majority people in East Pakistan spoke Bengali, Urdu was made the state language to unite Pakistan; understanding this conspiracy, the people of East Pakistan awoke in protest.)

Aabhabei  ghoniea asachilo   bawanno-r       akush-e     February
Like this    come closer             52-def             21st -def   February
(Like this the 21st February knocked the door.)

Bhasa-r                d*abi-te             gore utha     andolonke    stobdho      korte       ager           din    somabesh
Language-def     demand-def     developed     movement    paralyzed   making   previous   day   gathering

nishiddho     kore      Dhaka-i                                                          ghoshito          hoyechilo     144 dhara.
forbade        do          Dhaka-def (the capital of Bangladesh)   announced     being            144    rule.
(In order to prevent huge gathering the government announced the 144 rule in the previous day to stop the language movement)

20 February     rate       sorbodolio rastrobhasa songram parishade-r
20 February    night      sorbodolio rastrobhasa songram parishade (name of an alliance to students from all parties)-def   

sobhaai        144 dhara na bhangar-e     shiddhanto hoachilo
meeting       144   rule   no  break-def    decision       taken
(It was decided not to disregard the 144 rule in the meeting of sorbodolio rastrobhasa songram parishade at night of 20 February)

Kinto   por-din   sokale               Dhaka     bishawbiddalay-er    amtola-y
But     next-day  in morning      Dhaka     University-def            a specific place known as amtola-def

somobeto      bikkhubdho    shatrora     144      dhara     bhangar    sidhanto   nen
gather             very angry      students     144      rule        brake        decision    took    
(The fuming students gathered in Amtola of Dhaka University in the next morning and decided to break the 144 rule.)

144    dhara  bhenge    10    joner       ak      ak-ti            dol      michil   nie   aagie         jai   samner     dike.
144   rule      broke       10    person    one   one-def      group  march  with advance   go   forward    side
(They disregard the 144 rule and advance forward with groups of 10 people together)

Konthe        sobar     slogan:        Rastrobhasha      bangle     chai
In voice       all           slogan:        State language    bangle    want
(Everybody were jingling loudly: Make Bangle the state language)

Police     badha      dai      se          michile
Police     protest    give     that       march
(Police protested that march)

Suru      hoi     lathisota  tear gas
Start    to   charge     tear gas    
(They started charging and tear gas)  

Abong     aksomoy     guli
And         onetime       bullet (fire)
(They started firing)  

Gulite       lutie poren                  Rafiq, Barkat, Jabbar Salam    soho   oneke
In bullet   lied down (died)        Rafiq, Barkat, Jabbar Salam    with    many others
(Rafiq, Barkat, Jabbar Salam and several people died)

Dhakai      por     por     aro         dui    din   rokto    jhore.
In Dhaka  after    after  more    two    day  blood   ooze
(In Dhaka blood oozed in last two days)

Ekushe-r       attotage-r         por      ar           bangle     bhasha-r              dabik-e             thekia  rakhte
21st         -def   sacrifice-def    after    further   bangla     language-def       demand-def    stop      kept

pareni    Pakistani   oponibashik    sashokera.
Failed     Pakistan’s colonizer         administrator  
(After the sacrifice of the 21st, the Pakistan’s ruler failed to protest the demand of makinf Bangla as the state language.)

Bangali-r                 er       por-er          itihas      dharabahik   songram   ar     bijoy-er,         jar        churanto
Bangladeshi-def    this     after-def    history    continuous   fight          and  victory-def,   which    final

orjon    shadhin                  Bangladeshe-r      obbhudhoy.
Gain     independent          Bangladesh-def   start
(After this the history of Bangladesh is continuous fighting and victory, which finalized with the establishment of independent Bangladesh)

Prottek   jati-ke             tader    matreedhasha,    sanskriti    o            aytishaja    rokkhay     socheton
Every      nation-def      their     mother tough    culture      and        tradition     protect      aware
kore tulte   akushe February-ke       beche   niache   jatishongho.
being          21st        February-def     select   take       united nations
(United nations has selected this 21st February to aware every nations to protect their own mother language, culture and tradition.)

Abar              akadash        antorjatik            matribhasha             dibos.
This time      eleventh       international      motherlanguage      day
(This is the eleventh international mother language day.)

Din-tir              abar-er         protipadda   “sanskriti-r       punarbandhan”.
Day-def.          this time      theme            cultural-def     re-collaborate
(The theme for this time of the day is “cultural re-collaboration”)

Jatishongh-er                sikkha,            biggan     o sanskritik      sanstha              (UNESCO) 1999   sal-er
United Nations-def      education      science   and   cultural    organization     (UNESCO) 1999  year-def.

17 November akushe February-ke     antorjatik              matribhasha           hishebe   ghoshona      kore.
17 November  21st      February-def   international        motherlanguage    as             announce       do
(In 17 November of 1999, Education, science and cultural organization of United Nations (UNESCO) declared 21st February as the International Mother Language Day.)